- Fired for Requesting FMLA Leave – Do I Have a Case?
Mar 24, 2019
About the Family Medical Leave Act The federal Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) permits a qualified employee of a covered employer to take an unpaid leave of absence from work to address a medical issue or to care for an immediate family member. The FMLA protects an employee who takes qualified leave from discrimination, retaliation, or wrongful termination as a result of their taking FMLA leave. FMLA leave is available to qualified employees of covered...Read More - Michael Mormando sworn-in as Councilman for Ward 3 in Delran Township
Jan 24, 2019
On January 2, 2019, Michael Mormando from the Law Firm of Attorneys Hartman, Chartered, was sworn-in as Councilman for Ward 3 in Delran Township. Michael was elected to the position in the general election held in November 2018. He will be serving a four-year term assisting the residents of Delran. While serving as Councilman, Michael will also continue to practice law at Attorneys Hartman, Chartered in Moorestown representing clients in the areas of Employment Law,...Read More - Alcoholism under the LAD
Jan 10, 2019
Most people know that employment discrimination on the basis of disability is prohibited. But, not many people know that under both New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (“LAD”) and Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) alcoholism and drug addiction is considered a disability, and that it is therefore unlawful for an employer to terminate or otherwise discriminate against an employee on the basis of the employee’s alcoholism or drug addiction.(1) In determining whether an employer is...Read More - Expungement Law Updates – What You Need to Know
Oct 31, 2018
Important changes in New Jersey’s expungement statute went into effect as of October 1, 2018, which dramatically increase the number of people who are eligible for an expungement. Here are the highlights worth noting: You used to have to wait 10 years from the date you completed your sentence to expunge a felony conviction; now you only have to wait 6 years. Note, though, that you still have the same option for an “early pathway”...Read More - The New Paid Sick Leave Law – What You Need to Know
Oct 30, 2018
As of Wednesday, October 29, 2018, Under the law, covered employees can earn up to 40 hours of paid sick leave per year; Figure out what the “benefit year” is. Under the law, the employer has to establish a 12-month period, known as a “benefit year,” during which you can accrue paid sick time. The “benefit year” must begin the later of either the effective date of the law (October 29, 2018) or...Read More - Our office mascots, Teddy and Zoe made the paper!
Oct 23, 2018
...Read More - Bosses day breakfast with the best staff in the world!
Oct 17, 2018
Bosses day breakfast with the best staff in the world!...Read More - Katherine Hartman named the Professional Lawyer of the Year
Oct 10, 2018
Katherine Hartman was named the Professional Lawyer of the Year by the New Jersey Commission on Professionalism in the Law and the Burlington County Bar Association. The award is presented to those attorneys who are respected by colleagues for their character, competence and exemplary professional behavior. Ms. Hartman will receive the award at a luncheon at the Pines in Edison New Jersey on October 11, 2019...Read More - Katherine D. Hartman at annual Boardwalk Seminar in Atlantic City on May 10
May 9, 2018
Katherine D. Hartman will be addressing the New Jersey Association of Justice at their annual Boardwalk Seminar in Atlantic City on May 10, 2018. The topic is Ethics and Professionalism for Criminal Attorneys. The seminar begins at 3:00 pm and will be held at Harrah’s Resort and Casino...Read More - The Equal Pay Act is not just for women anymore. (Part 2)
Apr 27, 2018
In the first installment of our update to the New Jersey Equal Pay Act (the “Allen Act” or “Amendment”), we addressed the differences and similarities in the facts relevant to the analyses under the old regime as compared to the new. In this second installment, we address the differences in damages that may be recovered, as well as the changes to the statute of limitations. Under the prior Equal Pay Act, the employee could recover...Read More