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  • Jail Time for Driving While Suspended

    Feb 6, 2015

    If you are convicted of Driving While Intoxicated, or Refusal (to provide a breath sample), your license will be suspended. If you drive during that period of suspension, and you have previously been convicted of driving during that suspension period, you face mandatory jail time. In fact, you could be charged with a fourth degree indictable crime (felony) and face a mandatory minimum of 180 days in jail. The New Jersey Appellate Court has just...
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  • Young Drug Offenders Expungement

    Oct 4, 2014

    New Jersey has special Expungement Rules for young drug offenders who wish to clear their record. In order to get the Young Drug Offenders Expungement it must be not less than one year after conviction, termination of probation or parole or discharge from custody, whichever is later. The charge could only be for possession or use of drugs, or sale or distribution of certain amounts of Hashish or Marijuana. If you were charged with sale...
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  • Katherine Hartman, Esquire will be a speaker on Professionalism Day

    Sep 27, 2014

    Katherine Hartman, Esquire will be a speaker on...
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  • If you or your passengers don’t wear a seat belt you could face jail time

    Sep 23, 2014

    If a driver doesn’t use a seat belt or doesn’t make their passengers use one, then the driver could face jail time. The Seat Belt Law, enacted in 1984, has not been used in this way until now. Previously, the Seat Belt Law would be a traffic ticket that would require a municipal court appearance, now violators could go to state prison. The amount of jail time being faced depends on the injuries involved. The...
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  • Expungement Chart

    Sep 21, 2014

    Expungements are like an eraser that can wipe your record clean. Mistakes from your past can be eliminated from your criminal history. Are you eligible for an Expungement? When can you get your record expunged? Type of offenses that can be Expunged Number of offenses that can be Expunged Amount of time before Expungement is possible Juvenile Delinquency Offenses These records are sealed after the juvenile comes of age. Once the Juvenile reaches 18 they are sealed Young Drug Offenders No Limit If Conviction is for Possession or Use...
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  • Cut Prison Terms

    Jul 24, 2014

    This week, the United States Sentencing Commission cut federal prison terms for drug offenses. The reform, adopted on July 18, 2014, retroactively decreases the drug table set forth in the United States sentencing guidelines by two offense levels across all drug types. Effective November 1, 2014, some 50,000 people who are currently incarcerated in the federal prison system for drug offenses could be eligible for a reduction of their sentence by an average of nearly...
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  • Katherine Hartman accepts appointment as Chair of the Merit Selection Panel for the reappointment of Joe Schneider, United States Magistrate Judge

    Jul 16, 2014

    Katherine Hartman is honored to accept an appointment as Chair of the Merit Selection Panel for the reappointment of Joel Schneider, United States Magistrate Judge. The Committee will work over the summer to make a recommendation to Chief Judge Simandle, prior to the October 30, 2014 end of Judge Schneider’s term...
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  • Katherine Hartman moves the admission of six local lawyers to the United States Supreme Court

    Jun 12, 2014

    Katherine Hartman moved the admission of six local lawyers to the United States Supreme Court yesterday. Included in the group was Mike Mormando, of Attorneys Hartman, Chartered. After the attorneys were sworn in they heard from Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg...
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  • Katherine Hartman Presenting a Free Expungement Seminar May 20, 2014

    May 12, 2014

    Katherine Hartman will be presenting a free expungement seminar on May 20, 2014, at the Burlington County Library, 5 Pioneer Boulevard (off Woodland Road) in Westampton, New Jersey from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. This seminar is sponsored by the Burlington County Superior Court Vicinage, Advisory Committee on Minority Concerns, and the Burlington County Bar Association. This seminar is to help persons determine if they are eligible for an expungement, the type of records that...
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  • New Bill Would Replace License Suspension with Installation of Interlock Device

    Mar 27, 2014

    New Jersey lawmakers have advanced a bill to allow all convicted drunken drivers the option of having ignition interlock devices installed in their cars as an alternative to license revocation. The Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously recommended passage of S-385. The legislation would make an interlock device available to all persons convicted of drunk driving with the length to be determined by numerous factors including but not limited to the number of offenses and the blood-alcohol...
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