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Protecting Yourself: Technology Safety Tips for Survivors of Domestic Violence

1. Assess Your Digital Footprint:

Before taking action to secure your online presence, it is crucial to evaluate your current digital footprint. Social media can be a powerful tool for survivors of domestic violence to connect with others and access support, but it can also be a source of harassment and abuse. Conduct a thorough review of your social media profiles, email accounts, and any other online platforms you utilize. Consider adjusting your privacy settings, removing personal information that could be used to track or identify you, and restricting access to your accounts. Take note of any suspicious activity, unfamiliar connections, or unauthorized access.

Technology can be used to track your location, monitor your communications, and access your personal information. This can include GPS tracking on your phone or car, spyware installed on your computer, or access to your social media accounts. Understanding the ways in which technology can be used to harm you is the first step to protecting yourself.

2. Strengthen Passwords and Enable Two-Factor Authentication:

Strong and unique passwords act as the first line of defense against unauthorized access. Avoid using easily guessable information and opt for complex combinations of letters, numbers, and symbols. Ensure that your email account, social media platforms, and other online services all have unique passwords. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) wherever possible, adding an additional layer of security by requiring a verification code sent to your phone or email.

3. Secure Your Devices:

Keep your personal devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops, protected from potential intrusion. Set a strong passcode or use biometric authentication, such as fingerprint or facial recognition, to unlock your devices. Regularly update your operating systems and applications to benefit from the latest security patches and bug fixes. Install reputable anti-malware software to prevent malicious software from compromising your privacy.

4. Be Mindful of Location Sharing:

Location-based services and social check-ins may inadvertently disclose your whereabouts, potentially putting your safety at risk. Review the location settings on your mobile devices and disable features that automatically share your location. Be cautious about sharing specific details about your daily routine or upcoming plans online.

5. Guard Against Online Harassment and Stalking:

If you experience online harassment or stalking, document all incidents by taking screenshots, saving messages, recording any phone calls or voicemails, and noting dates and times. Report the harassment to the platform administrators, who may be able to take action against the abuser. Consider blocking and restricting the individual’s access to your social media accounts. If necessary, contact local law enforcement and provide them with the evidence you have collected. This documentation can be useful in building a case against your abuser or in obtaining a restraining order.

6. Educate Yourself About Digital Privacy:

Public Wi-Fi can be convenient, but it is also inherently insecure. When using public Wi-Fi, it is important to avoid accessing any sensitive information, such as your email or bank account. Take the time to educate yourself about digital privacy and the tools available to safeguard your online activities. Familiarize yourself with privacy settings on social media platforms and adjust them according to your comfort level. Learn about encryption methods, secure communication apps, and virtual private networks (VPNs) that can provide an extra layer of protection for your online communications.

7. Create Strong Support Networks:

Building a support network is vital for survivors of domestic violence. Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or support organizations that can provide guidance, emotional support, and resources for technology safety. They can help you develop a safety plan tailored to your specific circumstances and provide assistance in navigating legal avenues, if necessary.


In an era where technology has become an integral part of our lives, it is essential for survivors of domestic violence to be aware of the potential risks and take proactive measures to protect themselves. By assessing their digital footprint, securing their devices, being mindful of location sharing, and understanding online harassment, survivors can enhance their safety in the digital realm. Remember, support is available.

Contact Attorneys Hartman, Chartered Today For a Confidential Consultation About Your Domestic Violence Case

At Attorneys Hartman, Chartered, we understand the devastating impact of domestic violence on victims and their families. That’s why we are dedicated to providing compassionate and effective legal representation for those who have suffered abuse. Our experienced attorneys are committed to helping victims navigate the legal system, obtain protective orders, and secure the justice they deserve.

With years of experience handling domestic violence cases, our team of skilled attorneys is well-versed in the nuances of these sensitive matters. We prioritize your safety and work tirelessly to secure restraining orders, pursue criminal charges against the abuser, and assist in divorce and child custody proceedings. Our commitment extends beyond legal representation, as we strive to create a supportive environment where your voice is heard and your rights are protected.

In addition to our focus on domestic violence cases, we also offer comprehensive legal services in a range of practice areas. Whether you need assistance with family law matters, such as divorce, child custody, or spousal support, or require guidance in personal injury claims, estate planning, or employment law, our team is here to help. We believe in providing holistic solutions tailored to your unique circumstances, ensuring that you receive the comprehensive legal support you deserve.

Don’t suffer in silence; contact us today for a confidential consultation and take the first step towards reclaiming your life.