Speeding Violation Attorneys in Moorestown, NJ: Accelerating Your Defense Against Speeding Violations with Swift Legal Action in Burlington County, Camden County, Gloucester County, and Throughout South Jersey
While a speeding ticket may seem like a fairly minor and routine incident, speeding tickets can actually have a significant long-term impact on your ability to obtain affordable car insurance and even on your driving privileges in general. Because of the potential long-term and cumulative consequences that a speeding ticket can have in Burlington County and the surrounding areas, it is important to challenge your speeding ticket in traffic court if at all possible. Even though one speeding ticket may seem minor, when you receive a subsequent speeding ticket, the consequences become more serious.
At Attorneys Hartman, Chartered, our experienced speeding ticket lawyers understand that the consequences of a speeding ticket extend far beyond the simple fine associated with the ticket itself. You may be facing higher insurance premiums over a period that can extend for years into the future, especially if you later receive another traffic ticket. If you are required to operate a motor vehicle for work, the repercussions of even a single speeding ticket can be even more serious. We have over 53 years’ collective experience helping clients keep their driving records clean, and we are ready to put that experience to work in your case.
Consequences of Speeding Tickets Under New Jersey Law
In New Jersey, the legal speed limit is generally determined based upon the type of area involved—for example, the speed limit is 25 miles per hour in most residential areas and school zones; 35 miles per hour in certain suburban business districts. The consequences of a speeding ticket depend upon the amount by which the driver was exceeding the legal posted speed limit. Points are generally assigned as follows:
- Two points for exceeding the speed limit by one to 14 miles per hour,
- Four points for exceeding the speed limit by 15 to 29 miles per hour,
- Five points for exceeding the speed limit by 30 or more miles per hour.
Once a driver in New Jersey has accumulated at least 12 points, his or her driver’s license may be suspended. Further, speeding tickets themselves carry monetary penalties that can range up to $260 for exceeding the speed limit by between 35 and 39 miles per hour. In some cases, the traffic enforcement officer may even issue a ticket for more than one violation in a single traffic stop, meaning that additional points may be applied to your driving record and the financial consequences will be magnified.
Skilled Speeding Ticket Defense Lawyers Help Clients Protect Driving Records in Mount Laurel and Elsewhere in New Jersey
Although it is not a defense to assert that there was no speed limit sign posted or that you did not know the speed limit, our experienced speeding ticket defense lawyers can help evaluate your case to determine potential defense strategies. A successful defense can help avoid the points and financial penalties associated with the speeding ticket. Potential defense strategies can include challenging whether the radar gun used to clock your speed was maintained in proper working order, for example.
The impact of points on your driving record can be lasting, but it is possible to remove points from your record under certain circumstances. For example:
- Three points will be removed automatically for every year that you do not receive another ticket for a traffic violation,
- Three points may be removed for completing the New Jersey driver improvement program, and
- Two points can be removed from your record every five years if you complete a state-approved defensive driving class.
Call Today to Discuss Your Speeding Ticket Case with Our Experienced Woodbury Speeding Ticket Defense Lawyers
If you have been issued a ticket for speeding in Woodbury or the surrounding communities, our experienced speeding ticket defense lawyers are here to discuss possible defense strategies in your case. We are dedicated to helping you keep your driving record clean if at all possible after a speeding ticket, regardless of how minor the traffic stop may seem to be. Call or contact our offices today to see how we can help in your case.